The Beginning

The world hems in, crowds in upon the Beginning, because of what the story’s Beginning does not say, not only the possibility of what might still be said in the sentences yet to happen (as the Beginning goes beyond being a mere beginning), but in these sentences that have already happened, that are already part of the beginning, a beginning in which the promise of what might be said has already been lost – what was not said instead of what was, what was left out to allow the beginning to flourish, but what has already been taken away, in addition to the world pressing in on it, doubting it, reclaiming this beginning back into the world, so that it is not only never more than just a beginning, but a dissolved beginning, a beginning fading away in front of you.

So that, instead of existing in its own right, in its own space, apart from the world, it becomes, little by little, shot through with the world, so that eventually (in no time at all) it is more world than beginning.